Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.25.2003 - 4:55 p.m.

I have not been this short of sleep since April 2001.

I wrote a story about insomnia once. My iBook will probably kill it, but I think I sent it to my dad, so it may yet survive.

"...the kitten jumps to the back of the sofa where it looks back at me with eyes far older than I. If there is a creature that guards sleep, it must have eyes like that. My mind builds the creature, in the corner next to the TV. It would be thin, tall, and golden, with tufted ears and needled teeth. It would beckon me with one long claw, and I would obey."

That's all I remember. Tonight I will get 5 hours. Maybe. Pray for Mojo.


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