Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.29.2003 - 5:05 p.m.

A system of knowledge, followed by a brief observation:

Category 1: There are things I know, like how to drive from home to work, where my extra rolls of toilet paper are, and how old my youngest brother is.

Category 2: There are things I can figure out, like how to get into an accidentally-locked house, or how to act extroverted, or where I last saw my checkbook.

Category 3: There are things I need to be taught, like how to get the database files to work once I've found them, or how to relax, or math in general.

Category 4: Finally, there are a large number of things I will never know, some of which I don't even know that I don't know. These are things like my future, like religion in general, like that poem I thought up in the shower last week.

Summation: Most of my life's complications seem to be a direct result of trying to mash things from one list into another.


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