Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.25.2003 - 11:09 a.m.

Went shopping last night, late. Mostly it was for cookie-making supplies I'd promised to pick up for the roommate, but also because I had exactly three bagels, half a pint of ice cream, and a bottle of Dew to my name.

You can't make four food groups out of bagels, ice cream, and soda. Not even if you pretend caffeine is a legitimate group, which it's not. Real food groups don't give you headaches, which, incidentally, is also why "sugar" fails to make the cut.

The store was full of those little yellow signs that say, "Wow! What a great price!" so, because it was on sale, I ended up buying all sorts of stuff I normally would have skipped, for a net gain of negative thirty-three bucks.

Yep, marketing executives love people like me. They should be sending me fruit baskets every year.

Four days left until the kids come back to college. I'll have to start dressing up for work again.

Stupid labor day.


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