Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.02.2003 - 4:11 p.m.

Today has been a long day of nothing, possibly because I've done nothing about it; the work email is empty, the brain is empty, but the office is full of exactly as many messy piles as there were this morning.

This happens every time my boss misses a meeting with me. I think my inner Dilbert feels that because I had only finished X amount of work by Friday when I was supposed to see him, he should only get X amount of work when I finally do see him.

On Wednesday, in this case. You can see how this gets me into trouble.

All day I have been in the mood for poems, for words that travel sideways through the meanings they usually have to somewhere else, where language has never quite managed to reach.

I have at least four tutors to track down before five, within the next thirty-four minutes. I figure I can finish another online crossword puzzle before I start.

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