Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.03.2003 - 4:43 p.m.

Highlights of Halloween weekend:

--Headache number one lasted from, oh, six-thirty Friday night until I fell asleep. Very difficult to act like hula girl while head is pounding. And I think this may be a new kind of headache, because the two cokes did not help. (Admittedly, the surprisingly strong mudslide may have neutralized the caffeine, but then I only drank about half of it.)

--Following drunk driver on highway. After some discussion on what the guy was thinking, the boyfriend and I decided I should report him. Called information to get the local police number, got yelled at by the operator. (Call 911, don�t you consider drunk driving an emergency?) In my defense, I did think it was an emergency, I just figured I�d leave the emergency lines for the people who were hiding under the bed as the burglar/rapist climbed the stairs, you know? But apparently there aren't so many of those. It definitely felt wierd calling 911, vaguely guilty, like I was whining or tattling or something. After I called, we followed the guy down the rest of that highway and part of the next. I don�t think he got caught. He was doing a lot better on the larger highway, where the road was straighter and there were no stoplights or opposing traffic lanes to drift into, and then he turned onto a smaller street. Afterwards, I was surprised to notice myself shaking a little, like my body was trying to go into emergency mode even though the encounter was decidedly over. I blame the caffeine, the alcohol, and the headache. Oh, and stupid people everywhere who think �DD� stands for �designated drunk.�

--Headache number two lasted from around ten in the morning until seven or eight on Saturday night. I blame the caffeine, the alcohol, and the previous headache.

--Sunday was nice though. Head behaved, and I took a long walk in a big open field. Wore shorts. (Take that, November!)


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