Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.25.2003 - 2:56 p.m.

I'm in a peculiar mood today. As soon as I get home, I'm going to add toiletries and a sketchbook to the bag I packed last night, pack up the cat's things, pick up the boyfriend, and drive to my parents' house with him (and the cat). Tomorrow we're getting on a plane for the first Thanksgiving I've ever spent solely with someone else's family.

I'm a little nervous and a lot excited, and I bet I'll like his mother. And I already kind of miss my family, especially the brothers I never get to see anymore.

When I told a coworker what I was doing for the holiday, she squealed in a way that should be physically impossible for a forty-year-old and demanded to see the Ring (her emphasis, not mine). I had to explain very carefully that while I am indeed meeting his parents, I am not currently planning to make them mine.

No rings for a good while yet, and by �a good while� I mean �as long as we can possibly avoid it.�

But I am looking forward to going. I�ll be in Florida, I get to go to the beach on Thanksgiving, and to a car racetrack, and a bunch of other places I�ve never been.

I hope everyone�s weekend is as nice as I�m thinking mine will be.

(And that goes for my weekend, too. Otherwise it would suck to do all this anticipating.)


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