Some things aren't true until you say them...

03.09.2004 - 3:18 p.m.

I just got out of the last meeting I ever put in the calendar of The iBook That Is No More. It�s so lucky that I was procrastinating a trip across campus at two when the girl showed up, because having neglected to back up my calendar files before sending the stupid iBook out into repair limbo, I had absolutely no memory of this meeting except that it existed and that it was sometime in March, most likely (but not necessarily) after noon.

So hurrah for finding the last floaty maybe-meeting. From here on out, it is all on the white board calendar in blue, green, and the occasional red.

I am trying to convince myself not to leave work early, because I shouldn�t leave early, I have too much left to do, but I don�t think I�m going to win; I spent too much of this morning half-asleep, thinking it was Saturday.

I miss Saturday.


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