Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.21.2004 - 11:02 a.m.

So it's eleven (or was when I opened this entry box) and I've already eaten everything I brought for lunch, and also half of my afternoon snack. This afternoon is gonna be a hungry one.

The roommate spend all evening yesterday making two batches of this low-calorie soup, which I am helping her eat. It's vegetable-y and tomato-y and actually pretty good, but just a little disturbing because twenty minutes after you eat it, you can feel it actively making you hungrier. Apparently it is so cabbage-y and celery-y (okay, no more invented adjectives, I promise) and low-cal that it takes more energy to digest than it does to eat it.

I am so hungry right now. And all I've had to top it off is fruit. Good fruit, but at this rate I'll have eaten eighty dollars worth of produce by quitting time today. And because there's two whole batches of this stuff, I'll probably be digesting my own body from now until May.

Wait, though, this may not be all bad. in May, it'll be just about time to buy that new swimsuit.



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