Some things aren't true until you say them...

05.12.2004 - 1:59 p.m.

Inexplicable actions of mine taken this week:

1) Call mom for Mother's Day, end up crying at her about something or other. I remember what it was, but I can't for the life of me remember why it had me so upset.

2) Yell at boyfriend for criticising my driving. Picture that moment in Lord of the Rings where Bilbo's face turns evil and he lunges for Frodo and the Ring--exactly like that. He does it all the time, and so probably deserved it, but I've never even mentioned it before. It's that easy for me to ignore. Usually.

3) Go to grocery store for two things. Come home with only one of them, but also with new nice-smelling soap, fresh fruit, smoked salmon, cream cheese, and sushi. Like I can afford any of that (extremely delicious) crap.

4) Punch the boyfriend, not holding back at all, for sticking his tongue all the way into my ear. (However, I'll maintain he deserved this one, too. Tongue on edge of ear? cool. Tongue so far inside ear that I can hear you scraping at the wax? I am not responsible for whatever I do to make it stop.)

5) There are probably more. These are just the ones I noticed.

I dunno, most months I just get quiet and horny. God help the world if I ever get pregnant.


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