Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.08.2004 - 12:59 p.m.

I had a dream last night that my legs had wasted away to sticks. My lovely curvy strong legs, gone. Chicken-like and flappy.

This morning I got on the scale and realized I'd lost four pounds, not so much on purpose. All I did this weekend was sit around, drink, drink more, sit around recovering from drink, and rehydrate. No exercise. Also a great deal of pizza was involved, although I didn't eat so much yesterday.

Combined with the dream, this is disturbing.

Also, I've just spent ten minutes repotting ferns from our classroom. When I got to work today they were splattered on the floor, with no obvious reason to be that way. The only thing I can think of is that someone was in there the other night, watching a movie or something. They pulled the blinds down, and then were courteous enough to return the blinds to the upright position, but not courteous enough to bother picking the plants up, or to leave a note, or something? Clay pots don't shatter real quiet-like, so I know it wasn't that they didn't notice.

So disenchanted with humanity today.


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