Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.21.2005 - 2:17 p.m.

So I'm moving again. I'm the last roommate out this time, which means I've inherited any number of items that for one reason or another have been forgotten or disowned.

For instance, I am the proud new owner of an entire set of bath towels. This would be nice, except that they are that bright eighties pink with white roses on them.

(If the towels you are picturing are even marginally attractive, you need to ratchet up the pink you are picturing. The color I am talking about might permanently blind a person unlucky enough to stumble into the bathroom while hungover.)

I have also inherited a number of ugly oven mitts, several half-used boxes of baking soda, various and sundry boxed and canned foodstuffs, quite a bit of fabric softener, and the world's largest collection of antique tupperware.

I am not sure what to do with the three boxes of instant oatmeal. I was eating it for a while but then I hit that place where nothing of that particular texture will be passing my lips for at least the next three years. But I can't throw it away because it is still perfectly good food.

I've also reached the place where all of the clearly packable things have been packed, and what's left is all the flotsam and jetsam that used to be in my closet or the bottom of my nightstand. They are all things I want to keep, but how do you organize it all? Where will it all go in the new place, and if I am just shoving it into the next closet, should I really keep it after all?

Moving is rife with such dilemmas.

I still hate moving.


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