Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.16.2006 - 9:44 a.m.

I'm eating leftover chinese right now. General Tso's chicken.

It is not really ideal in the breakfast department. I mean, it's good, but it was really better when it was hot and crispy. And when I wasn't braindead. And when I didn't know it would be lunch too because I totally failed to pack myself anything else. Also it is making my nose run.

This sunday is my first session of Pre-Cana, which is where we have to talk to the priest for several hours so he can make sure we're really prepared to get married. I've heard horror stories. Not really looking forward to explaining that while I'd still like him to marry us, I'm not any farther in the whole 'returning to my Catholic roots' thing than I was when we first talked. I just want a priest to do it. I think I've been to church twice since then, and only on accident since Mom was going anyway.

The part on proper copulation techniques and why I must raise the 46 resulting kids Catholic should also be fun.

Finally, tomorrow is the deadline for that poem submission. I need to get that done.

And pay my credit cards.

Such an exciting entry, no?


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