Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.11.2006 - 3:27 p.m.

I wore ridiculous heels this morning. I wore earrings on Friday. Sometimes this helps--dressing up can let me believe that I am cool and collected and totally on top of things. It is an utter and complete fabrication of belief, but sometimes that's enough.

My feet hurt.

I've been doing a lot of confession, lately: This isn't done. I haven't finished that. I wonder if I've bit off more than I can chew with that class. I've rolled around the hours of my life, completely aghast at the number of them that are full. I wonder what I've done with the rest of them. Diary entries? Forum-trolling? Sleep? Why, when I might have planned a class period or copied tutor bios or called the DJ?

This is a harder time in life than the last time I felt like this. I am, in some way, proud to know that I can handle more at once, now. I can take care of this.

I've bitten it off, I'll find some way to choke it down.


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