Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.15.2006 - 9:54 a.m.

Apparently I have a lot to say lately. Good thing I never got around to erasing this thing, so I have somewhere to put it.

I've had so much energy this week. To some degree, this is manic reaction to my venture into the dark place the week of the hurricane; other than that, I don't know. I'm not behind on anything, so I can spend the time I would have been worrying about catching up in better ways--keeping up, for instance. As long as I don't get behind, I can ride the wave. I hope.

I've discovered the way to keep my class in check--stand behind the talkers. They get tonguetied, so I can talk over them.

Last night I came to bed late, only to realize that my phone was beeping somewhere in my room. I could not find it. It beeped every time I nearly drifted off. I felt up and down the dressers, the floor, everything--it was as if it had feet, as if it skittered away at every blind reach. I couldn't turn the light on for fear of waking my guy, who was thoroughly asleep despite it.

I am so tired today, but I'm still going to finish a bunch of things. Or they'll catch up to me.


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