Some things aren't true until you say them...

01.02.2007 - 4:19 p.m.

Today on the way from work I carried on an imaginary conversation with my father-in-law, during which I explained, in excruciating detail, the reasons for my believing certain things. I did this several times, until I hit upon the exact wording I wanted.

Then, I spent the other half of the drive explaining, in excruciating detail, why the conclusions he jumps to about those certain things are completely indefensible. Not to mention insulting.

Then I realized I'd spent fifteen minutes ranting at a person who was no longer staying at my house, and who I would not see again until sometime this summer.

"Why are you even still thinking about this?" I asked myself, and then, as no answer was forthcoming, turned up the radio.

My inlaws are wonderful people who love me. I will remember that I love them in a week or two.

Unless they call too often.


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