Some things aren't true until you say them...

01.26.2007 - 2:35 p.m.

Today feels sharp in my head. This is for a combination of reasons; I'm short of sleep, I'm not used to caffeine anymore, the windchill is 9 degrees today.

I've set a friend of mine to a task, the same task I've been long overdue for: to find three things about the day that are purely good. To appreciate them. To let them convince me I'm not a lost cause.

So, here're mine:

1) I got to talk to my online friends for the first time in a long while. I had a conversation that did not occur merely because I was lonely or bored, but because that person and I missed the hell out of each other. That conversation was nothing but good for me. I don't care if it occurred at three in the morning, before I slept. It still counts as today. For me, anyway. It was yesterday in California.

2) I picked a new project for myself. I've always been more centered, more settled, when I am creating something; a storyline in a computer game almost fills this need, but it's even better when it's something physical, something I bring into the world that didn't exist before. My brother's getting married in June. I'm going to knit him an afghan for their bed.

3) ...I'm not sure, yet. It's Friday? It's been a relaxed day in the office? I bought myself a cookies and cream chocolate bar, and it was good?

I have nine hours and some change to finish that thought. But I will.


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