Some things aren't true until you say them...

09.24.2007 - 2:38 p.m.

Weighed myself at some point yesterday; I�m up three pounds. Not from my original weight, really, or at least, not from the original weight I settled into after all the wedding nonsense, but from the low I�d hit just before classes started. Apparently I�m not stressing enough to use up the calories in the sodas that are subbing for sleep.

So today: whole grain bagel, nothing on it, (a time choice, not a diet-nazi choice) and an apple for breakfast. Something approaching healthy for lunch, not that I�ve gone to get it yet. Yogurt, maybe, or an energy bar and a banana. Dinner will be pizza at a meeting, but if I�m not too hungry by then, I�ll do fine with only a piece or two. And I can make sure to order one with green stuff on it, and to skip the soda for water.

Poked at my walking partner, too, and found a new schedule, since our old one hasn�t worked once since the last week of August. 1:30 Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; 3:00 Tuesdays and Thursdays. And we�re exploring some of the bigger buildings for walking circuits we can use even when weather doesn�t let us ramble through Historic. (Though it did, today. It�s absolutely gorgeous out.)

Not much of an entry, maybe, but I keep promises better when I make them in writing. This one needed saying.


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