Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.08.2008 - 11:50 a.m.

Today, it is the pervasive desire to punch a wall. Any wall, though I think ideally, it would be made of something that would either crush satisfactorily beneath my fist, or something that would shatter all the bones into pulpy little pieces.

There's no point in examining why. Why is old ground, old arguments, old attempts at solutions I already know don't work. Nevermind that I tried them again today, anyway. Insanity is trying the same thing every time, expecting the results to be different.

The results will never change. It would make infinitely more sense for me to punch a wall, even a brick one--then, I could feel this same way, and skip the big wind-up.

Or the TV. I'd love to punch the TV.


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