Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.14.2002 - 10:41 a.m.

I have decided what to do for my honeymoon.

I know. You are thinking, stonebridge, aren�t you single? Isn�t it a bit early to be worrying about your honeymoon?

But I have a good reason. See, my honeymoon is the nearest occasion where I know I will be able to rationalize large expenditures of money for frivolous reasons. So here�s my plan:

I was watching the discovery channel last night, this show about the world�s greatest rides. There is this place in the southwest where you can pay $800 to spend a day training on and flying a real, honest-to-goodness airplane and have a dogfight with a friend. You go up with an instructor, but you do everything yourself. Well, no live ammo, but there�s a computer system that will release smoke from the other plane if you �hit� it. I want to do this.

Also, they recently built the tallest, fastest rollercoaster ever in Japan.

Sigh. Now I have to go to Japan.


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