Some things aren't true until you say them...

07.27.2001 - 10:49 a.m.

So this morning I skipped breakfast, because I wanted a few more minutes of sleep. But then I was hungry, so I went across the way to the campus store, which is along the lines of a 7-11. I was looking at the excuses for breakfast food they have. Honey buns. Little Debbie in general. And my stomach was going, "you know, I'm hungry, but that's just not food."

Then I thought, I know, maybe I shouldn't even pretend I'm getting food, so my stomach will be less confused.

So I went over to the Pepperidge farm section, where I picked up a bag of double chocolate Milanos, because they have twice the rich chocolate.

They're good. But I think I'm getting a headache.


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