Some things aren't true until you say them...

08.01.2001 - 3:31 p.m.

found out over the weekend more friends read my diary than I thought. Found out because one was upset with me because she thought I was writing about her when I was writing about another friend who didn't really deserve it either... you get the idea.

It's kinda funny cause I started this diary so I could avoid soap operas. So I could spill stuff, get it into writing, so I could figure out later how much of it I actually meant. Not that I use it to really vent, that often, but I liked feeling that I could without hurting anybody.

Of course, I suppose that means I shoulda passworded it, but I've never been real normal about personal boundaries. I spill to strangers what people near me are on their own to figure out. I probably wouldn't write at all if I didn't feel like I was writing for somebody, and then where would I be?

Sometimes I really wish I was normal. I'm sure it's just a phase, but sometimes I really do.



today's bad thing(s): spreadsheets. They're gonna be the death of me. Oh and the ex emailed again. Innocent I suppose but always get kinda spiky and sad when I hear from him.

today's good thing(s): got an apartment meeting over dinner. Dunno if I posted this, but I'm getting an apartment! I get listed in the phonebook just like real people do! Right, so I'm meeting with my future roomie to figure out what we need to buy, as opposed to what we can steal from friends and family.

Notes for Next Time: Y'know that little voice in the back of your head? It's smarter than you are.

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