Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.04.2001 - 7:34 p.m.

So I'm back. Not really sure why, so don't ask. Either of you.

It's Cichlid's (my roommate's) birthday today. I'm not actually sure if she's turning 22 or 23, but then again sometimes I forget which one I am, or even if it's 2002 or still 2001. I'm not real sure about a lot of things lately.

My arm is twitching for no reason. I hate that.

I forgot to sleep last night, because Cichlid and I went grocery shopping, and we bought books. Hers was a romance, mine was a new Orson Scott Card. Since I didn't start reading until 11 or so, I read the romance. Figured it would be faster. Finished at 3:15. If I remember to write, I'll let you know which actually took longer.

I've decided I want to learn how to dance. Not sex-in-public, not hug-in-circles, but real dance. Ginger Rodgers and Fred Astaire. Swing Kids. That scene from the Mask of Zorro. Although I guess that's pushing the definition of sex-in-public just a bit. Anybody know of any classes? Or cute guys willing to tutor?

My arm is still twitching. nyahh.

Cichlid's parents are coming down tomorrow to take us out to dinner. This means I will have to clean my bathroom tonight. Also remove laundry basket and air-drying underwear from public view.

Passed SMUT (St. Mary's Ultimate Team) on the admissions field this afternoon. It was perfect weather-- warm enough to sweat, but cool and dry enough for it to evaporate. Hardly a breeze. Joining for a few points crossed my mind, but then I remembered I was on the clock and wearing a button-down skirt. Someday though. I've been settling for golf for too long.

I had a meeting with my boss today. I have official titles now. Previously, whenever a curious and well-meaning person asked what I was doing with myself nowadays, I had to say, "Well, I'm working in the Writing Center at my old college. That means I tutor. And I built them a webpage. Also, I work in the registrar's office, doing whatever no one else has enough time for. They all pay me shit." As of today, however, I get to say, "I have a dual position at the college as Assistant Registrar and Assistant Writing Center Director, which includes both tutoring and webmaster responsibilities."

(Before you ask: Yes, I'm aware that there are two asses in that last sentence.)

I'm moving up in the world.

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