Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.28.2001 - 12:51 a.m.

I have Mr. Big stuck in my head. Not even their one hit; I have Obscure Mr. Big stuck in my head. Just the chorus. I'm not actually annoyed by it yet-- it's more of a puzzle. (Hmm. Where the heck did this come from? I haven't heard any Mr. Big lately. I haven't thought about Mr. Big lately. Nor have I thought about the eighties, bad hair, sappy love songs, or any other related topic...)

Lately I've been getting more and more scattered. I'm starting my Real Job next week, which means I'm really starting it this week, even though I don't get to know what I'm supposed to do until friday. This means that I have meetings every other day, and when I'm not in meetings, I spend my time trying to brainstorm all the possible things my new group will think I know already so that when Mr. Important says to me, "Can you paint the moon green by Tuesday?" I can say, "Sure. Lime green, sea green, or metallic forest green?"

I hate being the newbie.


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