Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.30.2001 - 5:40 p.m.

Today I am tired. I don't know why, although I did that waking-up-every-twenty-minutes thing again for a few hours this morning. Still, I should have had enough sleep.

Cichlid's coming home today. I guess she's probably already home. It's funny, but I really missed her. I've never had a problem with being alone before- I like having my own space. I require my own space. I go a little crazy otherwise. And not in a good way.

I hate those moments when you realize how lonely you are. Last night I hung out with some dork friends of mine, just laying around watching tv and sharing body heat. It helped a lot, but lately friendly cuddles have been getting less and less effective. I'll feel fine enough while I'm there, and for a short while afterwards, but usually by the time I get in my car to go home I'm lonely again.

I suppose I've seen worse. After all, I almost never get lonely around other people anymore. I'm just tired.


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