Some things aren't true until you say them...

12.13.2001 - 1:24 p.m.

So my last entry, on the topic of mousetrapping and the stupidity of the management at my apartment, got eaten. You'll just have to trust that it was better writing than usual, which I guess is why the computer was jealous enough to hide it in its bug-filled, wire-spaghetti innards.

I'm tired and stuffy and headachy today. I've decided not to get sick though because really I only need more sleep. See, it all started yesterday because I stayed up until one of the larger wee hours reading and trying to do my laundry. I woke up yesterday with a screaming sore throat and clogged sinuses, but I mainlined some orange juice and was pretty okay for the rest of the day. I had tissues. Then I was going to go to bed early last night. I was even all ready at like 9:00, but then Cichlid figured out that she was going to bounce some of our bills for the month, so I stayed up late to listen to her freak, went with her to try to night-drop a check, and listened when she freaked again because there weren't any drop slips she could use. THEN, and this is why I have decided that it's her night to do dishes, I woke up at the buttcrack of dawn (relatively speaking) to take the stupid check through the drivethrough this morning. Total Z's: 6 hours. Not too shabby, I suppose, but I had been planning on getting something in the double digits.

I shouldn't have started writing this. It's making me realize just how icky I feel. I've been at least moderately productive all day, but now all I want is to go home, have hot cider and maybe a bath with candles, and go to bed.

Except I have to go to the store tonight. Right after that, though.


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