Some things aren't true until you say them...

05.12.2003 - 9:43 a.m.

At dinner with Kelly on Friday:

Kelly is waving a bill she�s pulled out of her purse. �Today I got my first bill in my new name. For the new place, the guy was asking whose name to put it in, and I started to say his, but the guy was like, why not just use your married names and save the trouble of fixing it later? So today I got it. It said Kelly Jimmysname, and it was quite possibly the scariest thing I�ve seen since Jimmy made me try to watch Event Horizon. I mean, I�m not just planning a wedding, I�m getting married. I�m gonna be married for the rest of my life. It�s a big, huge step. Oh. My. God.�

�Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,� I say. �Today my boyfriend and I started planning weekends together. I�m scared, too.�


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