Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.18.2003 - 3:17 p.m.

We have ants again. Ran by my place this morning to feed the cat, only to find little marching lines stretching along the kitchen baseboards and into the pantry. Apparently I�ll be spending a good chunk of my evening on scrubbing detail. Not that scrubbing helped with the ants in our old place. I didn�t have time to do much this morning, just swept the pantry, moved my cat�s food bowl, and sprayed every critter I could find. For some reason cleaners, like that orange stuff, kill ants pretty thoroughly. Instant shriveling death on contact, and it�s generally a few days before the ants are willing to walk over the residue. Although as a minus, the residue is sticky to walk on.

I hate ants.

In any case I am moving out one week from today. The roommates are more than welcome to the headache of de-pesting the apartment; meanwhile I�ll be plotting ways to keep them out of the new place.

I hate ants.


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