Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.19.2003 - 3:46 p.m.

Because I am supervising a four-hour midterm, I am sure I have time enough to think of these things.

Absolutely sure.

So, here we go:

1. I dream myself into cliffhangers a lot.

2. I draw figure-eights with my big toes when I am bored. Although actually they are sideways and kind of squared-off, but I still think of them as eights for some reason.

3. Kind of like I�ve always thought of certain kinds of good music as �thick� when nobody I�ve ever talked to would use the same word.

4. I have just sprayed myself opening a can of Sprite.

5. I have a cellphone bill and a car insurance bill that are likely approaching overdueness, but not as long as I ignore them, hah!

6. My right shoe is scuffed more than my left one.

7. I have spent the afternoon sending and reading a collection of long, mushy emails that have brought tears to my eyes.

8. I learned to drive in a 1989 Ford Crown Victoria stationwagon.

9. My oldest brother gave it a nickname: �the boat.� He didn�t appreciate it like I did.

10. The car he drove was nicknamed, creatively, �the Honda.�

11. I�d like to see him fit his old band, their instruments, their amps, and their girlfriends in that pathetic little thing.

12. My oldest brother and I had this sibling rivalry thing until a year or so after I moved out.

13. My cat�s name is Hazel.

14. She thinks she�s a dog. Coming when she�s called and jumping up on me when I come home, where is her feline dignity?

15. I am not very good at procrastinative internet surfing. I mean, I can do it for hours, but I never find the new, cool sites. I need other people to show me.

16. I am never sure whether to dress for the actual weather outside, or for the AC in my office. It seems a pity to wear coats in June.

17. I am not afraid of spiders, although once I was holding my friend�s pet rock python and it started to tangle itself into my hair and I became a bit, unsettled.

18. When I was little, Bitten By Horrible Poisonous Slimy Snake was the episode most often rerun in my dreams. Thusly I embarked on a campaign to conquer my fear with research in which I discovered that snakes aren�t slimy.

19. Nightmares in which I was Bitten By Horrible Poisonous Scaly Snake soon followed, although I did eventually get better.

20. Also, once I was Bitten By Pet Parakeet Turned Magically Poisonous, but I was never afraid of parakeets for some reason.

21. I detest coffee. Nothing against the smell, but coffee and most related products make my face squinch.

22. My dream job would pay me to come up with really cool ideas and then not expect me to do the drudge work needed to realize them.

23. I have a mosquito bite under my bra strap. Itchy.

24. I do not have my white streak yet. See, normally, when summer arrives I spend enough time in the sun to bleach the whispies around my face from blonde to much lighter blonde. (One summer it really did look white, but I had an outside job that year.) This summer we have been missing an important part of this equation, namely the sun. Grrr.

25. I would have thought a big long list about myself would take less time to come up with.

Items 26-100 to come at a future date. This way I can get through four whole days of not being able to think of something to actually write about.


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