Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.03.2003 - 3:56 p.m.

I was up several hours past my bedtime talking with the roommate, venting really, about old problems and unresolved sore spots I wish I�d dealt with a long time ago. (See yesterday's entry.) I worry so much about why I do things. How much is me being the new, strong me, and how much is just me being terrified, running away from the person I used to be? If that even makes sense.

I woke up this morning from a dream about a storm, which always colors the day after for me. Of course, the fog in my head might have something to do with staying up so late, or with the scratch in the back of my throat that has spent all week deciding if it wants to be a cold, but I like to think it was the storm.

I always feel so peaceful after dreaming like that. It runs through everything around me, washing it out, battering it beyond recognition, but it doesn�t hurt. It doesn�t frighten me. I�m going to take it as a reminder that I can choose what I want to rebuild, and what I want to let go.


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