Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.06.2003 - 4:21 p.m.

I went to a wine festival with the roommate this weekend, where we learned what it meant to describe an obviously wet substance as "dry" and how to pronounce "riesling." We also discovered a number of ways to sabotage the personal budgets we'd been griping about during the drive to said festival. See, we needed a way to remember the wines we liked? So four bottles' worth of reminders are sitting on our kitchen table, and never you mind that neither of us are truly wine people, or that I was carrying both pen and paper in my purse.

Obviously sophistication is so rare because it's expensive, but I'm not as sure what excuse accounts for our lack of sense.


Wait a minute, I do know what it was.

We must have been drunker than I thought.


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