Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.10.2003 - 9:47 a.m.

I am going home this weekend to clear out my old room. I've done this once before, but the first time I was just collecting clothes and various clutter items from under my bed or in my closet. This time it is serious; this time I am removing the puzzle, arts, and crafts collection from the shelves in the closet, the books from two bookcases and the top closet shelf, the posters and the model horse collections. (There are three types of horses: Breyers, miniatures, and figurines.) Mine was the biggest non-master bedroom in the house and the farthest from my parents' room; as the last remaining sibling, my littlest brother wants to move in.

I keep thinking it should feel weird to lose that space, and maybe it will once I have it gutted and boxed, I don't know. I came home once when I was still in college to find that he'd taken it over as a office/music room, and I remember feeling kind of protective and sad over it, but by the next time I visited, I didn't mind at all. Now, as far as I can tell, I'm just vaguely annoyed that I have to figure out what to do with all that stuff. I don't want to give up a night out each month to cover the fees at some storage place, and I certainly don't want it all stacked in my room now. I want to give the horses to my daughter or a niece (some day when I have daughters or nieces) so I can't just unload them all at a yard sale or a toy trader.

What was it again? Second star to the right? Or was it third star to the left? I don't remember anymore.


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