Some things aren't true until you say them...

10.15.2003 - 4:00 p.m.

I found the perfect Christmas present. Best ever. Thoughtful and needed and just plain cool. The kind you can't stand waiting to give.

Really though, it is the best because it is worth about two to three times what I should spend.

On an unrelated note, it is once again time to recalibrate the living habits so that I can continue to fit into my clothes, and also so I can remember what having energy felt like. Since resolutions made in the silence of my mind tend to get, ah, altered as needed, I'm afraid you'll have to read all about them. With this text as my witness, I hereby resolve to do the following between now and a week from today:

1.) drink the recommended 64 ounces of water each day,

2.) exercise at least twice, for at least half an hour each time,

3.) exercise an additional time for each meal taken at a restaurant, and

4.) refrain from using the 'edit entry' button to make things easier on myself.

(We're starting slow and cynical. Why? Because slow and cynical wins the race, of course.)


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