Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.13.2004 - 3:21 p.m.

People. Today is the thirteenth, not the fourteenth. Not Valentine's Day. If I see just one more email, or note on a white board, or journal entry, or what-have-you wishing the world in general "Happy V-Day" when it is so demonstrably NOT, well, let me just tell you that I've been rebuilding my laptop, and you do not want to mess with the girl who just realized (after installing Panther) that she forgot to back up her music library.

Also her pictures, though that library was much smaller.

Not that five hours of burning cds, filling out name/email/serial information for umpteen installations, and downloading updates puts me in a bad mood. Nosirree, I love the acrid smell of CD-Rs in the morning. And afternoon.

Except for the headache.

So glad it's Friday.


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