Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.16.2004 - 5:51 p.m.

There is a long list of things one ought not to do at quarter to two in the morning, mostly because there is only a very short list of things that are ever worth doing at that time. (That short list being: sleep, party, talk philosophy, and love on somebody.)

I suppose there is also a short list of things that might or might not be justifiable, things like finishing a good book or a long drive. Anyway, I need to add two things to my long don't do-it list, right under item #42 (talk with secret crush while drunk) and item #43 (start knitting project).

At quarter to two in the morning, I will never again work on a half-finished puzzle (#44) or procrastinate on medicating a cat (#45 and 46).

I've got the headache and the scratch marks to remind myself why, if ever I forget.

Also, my dying ibook is making me cry.


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