Some things aren't true until you say them...

03.05.2004 - 3:37 p.m.

I�m sitting in the computer lab nearest my office. I don�t use it very often�it�s too small for classes�but today I�m just moving things around, burning cds, and compressing pictures. I�ve been doing lots of checking email in order to not watch the pulsing blue bar crawl across the center of the little status window, because computers are like boiling water that way. At least this lab has a great view, out across the river.

It�s so pretty out. The water�s as still as I�ve ever seen it. I want to go outside, and I could, except that the scans I�m compressing are achievement certificates belonging to some highschoolers I�ll be working with tomorrow, and I�ve discovered that when I set them loose on the scanners last month, at least one was still set to art student standards when what I needed was web standards. So �Reading TIFF Format� is taking for-freaking-ever.

I wanted to go to a piano concert that starts in a few minutes, but I�m not going to make it. I suppose it�s just as well, because really what I should do with the last bit of this afternoon is track down the tax form my bank still owes me. It�s possible they sent it and I threw it away, but they send me so much junk anyway, I don�t really look at much of it. Although I was looking for the tax form, I swear.

It�s still �Reading TIFF Format.� Everyone I email with is done replying, and anyway I�m about out of conversation worth sending in an email.

So. Bored. It. Hurts.


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