Some things aren't true until you say them...

04.26.2004 - 2:44 p.m.

Mom brought my youngest brother down on Friday night, after which he watched a bad movie with screwed-up sound,

slept on a bad sofa bed,

was attacked by my cat,

went kayaking where he was bitten by a spider,

cut one toe on an oyster shell,

cut the other heel on something else,

and ruined two socks with blood and river mud,

contorted over a bathtub for the administration of hydrogen peroxide and neosporin,

was attacked by my cat,

ate too much,

stayed up extremely late,

slept on another bad couch (skipped the bed that time),

woke up extremely early,

scraped his legs up running through underbrush,

and was paintballed in the head.

He says it was a good weekend. He wants to visit again soon.


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