Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.17.2004 - 1:22 p.m.

Baby did a bad, bad thing...and oh my god do I miss that mp3.

Right, the bad thing. I was sitting in my apartment last night. It was a no-boyfriend night. I had a car to clean out and checks to mail and quite a bit of research to do about job opportunities and grad schools.

Instead, I reinstalled Civ III. Not only did I reinstall Civ III, I then plunked myself down with a snack and a tall glass of water in a room with no clock.

Hellooo, dawn. Went to bed at mumble o'clock with a nauseating headache. Missed a much-needed shower. My eyeballs still feel all scritchy and frantic, as if there were gerbils humping in my head.

And a furry, slightly uncomfortable image is probably as good as it gets today, so I think I'll leave you with that.


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