Some things aren't true until you say them...

11.08.2005 - 3:04 p.m.

Today I wish I had brought my cellphone to work, because if I had, I could have shared pictures of my new officemate with you.

Today I had to explain to maintenance that there was a mouse on my keyboard, and that no, it was not the mouse that came with the computer.

I tried to trap it with some old lunch tupperware, because if I leave it to maintenance it will be much less pleasant for the mouse, but it was too fast for me.

I'm home right now, because I have to help with a class tonight from six to 7:30 or 8, and I am already owed several overtime hours from last week. Maybe when I go back, I'll bring my cat with me. Although she does not have a very successful record with rodents, and she is terrified of car trips and new places. So actually, maybe not. But yeah, meanwhile I have a new officemate. His name is Twitch.


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