Some things aren't true until you say them...

02.05.2007 - 11:45 a.m.

Right now, I am typing left-handed.

My right hand is busy holding the laptop charger in such a way as to keep the little chargy light orange.

Last week, I could preserve the connection by bending it sideways and wedging it against the stapler, but it seems those days are over.

In theory, there are two other computers I could be using in this office, but my husband broke one last night when a sneezing fit made it slide off his lap, and the other has not worked since September.

I keep explaining this to the tech help people. They have trouble remembering things that cost them money.

Fuck. I moved slightly, and I've lost the connection. We'll see how far I get with 26% of a battery--although now that I have two hands again, maybe I should do some more useful typing with them.


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