Some things aren't true until you say them...

12.22.2007 - 12:15 p.m.

Things I forgot today, while trying to finish my Christmas shopping:

1) to eat breakfast beforehand
2) location of my keys
3) the fact that my husband has my car
4) location of his spare key
5) to lock the house
6) the fact that I needed both sets of keys in order to lock the house and also drive his car
7) location of my keys
8) the Slimfast shake I was going to pretend was breakfast
9) location of new Best Buy (inadvertent bonus: he will not be able to figure out where I went shopping for him because the mileage will not match up)
10) the film we need to develop so we can give pictures to his parents
11) the cartridge numbers for my printer
12) the cartridge numbers for the work printers
13) that I'd need my keys out of his car if I wanted to get back into the house
14) why I ever leave the house


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