Some things aren't true until you say them...

06.24.2003 - 4:25 p.m.

26. Today is my second list-making day in which I�ve opened a can of Sprite only to have it fizz over on me.

27. I went kayaking this weekend, only to realize the next day that my atrophied muscles are not rated for actual exercise.

28. Diet and general recalibration of living habits to begin as soon as I finish up that case of Sprite.

29. Actually, it will likely be put off until after the move, as I am still trying to finish up all the random stuff in my pantry. Lotsa pasta. I am so tired of pasta.

30. I am moving on Saturday.

31. I hate moving.

32. I am sorry, because I know everyone (on the East Coast anyway) is sick of it, but I still like rain.

33. This is not to say I need any more of it. I am just saying it can be nice.

34. Yesterday on the radio I was listening to this song about a thong, and thinking it was weird that so many songs lately mention that particular article of clothing. I mean, nobody sang about �underwear� or �panties� or �boxers� that much. Maybe because �thong� is easier to rhyme? Really, just weird.

35. My boss thinks I am productive.

36. I don�t. Trust me, I�d know better than he would.

37. I share my roommates� silverware. At last count, I had four of ten spoons scattered about the office.

38. It should be noted that despite #37, I am not a slob. I generate personable clutter, not filth.

39. My cat, on the other hand, is an absolute slob.

40. There is no crying in baseball.

41. Also there is no paper in my printer.

42. In high school I used to ask people if I were an animal, what kind they thought I�d be. Once this guy I was dating said I�d be a horse, and I pictured myself as a black mustang looking out over the wilderness, with the wind in my hair, but then he continued on to say, �You know, like one of those lesson ponies. Dependable.�

43. I never asked that particular question again.

44. My office is cold enough to kill a tauntaun.

45. Sadly, though I was a rabid Star Wars fan in my time (read: before Episode One) I had to check how to spell �tauntaun.�

46. Also I am a grammar geek, and they tell me my perfectionism is inoperable.

47. There are forty-five minutes left between me and my car. Obviously the perfectionism thing is only an issue outside of work.

48. Hee.

49. Last time I moved it took me over a month to unpack.

50. I still hate moving.


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